Guest WiFi at Family House

Family House provides 2 levels of Wi-Fi for guests—a free, limited bandwidth level for basic access to the internet and a paid, unlimited bandwidth level for guests. They are:

“Family House Guest – Basic” is the network for free access

  • To connect, go to your Wi-Fi network connection settings and select “Family House Guest – Basic”. Enter the password “homeaway”. You will be re-directed to a welcome screen in your web browser. Click “Continue to the Internet.”

“Family House Guest – Premium” is the network for paid access

  • To connect, go to your Wi-Fi network connection settings and select “Family House Guest Wi-Fi – Premium”. You will be redirected to the Guest Wi-Fi website and prompted to create an account. Once you have created a login, you will be directed to a screen that shows you the amount of time you have remaining. Click “login” on this screen to freely use internet for the purchased amount of time.

$5 for 1 day  |   $12 for 3 days   |   $20 for one week

  • The purchased Wi-Fi is a continuous connection. Once purchased, the 60 or 180 minutes begins and cannot be turned off.
  • Payment for premium Wi-Fi can only be processed through the Wi-Fi website using a credit card.